About Esmeralda’s Cumbrian History

The reason I felt compelled to write about Cumbrian History and Folklore is simple. Not so long ago, I didn’t think Cumbria really had any – and I even have a degree in history and have worked on an archaeological site.

Being from a Cumbrian family, I knew Cumbria isn’t all lakes and farming. My ancestors worked on ships on the Cumbrian coast; some were miners, and some ended up in the steel industry. I also joggled a few grey cells and came up with the Lake District’s Romantic poets – Wordsworth, de Quincey, Southey and Coleridge. But what I couldn’t locate was actual political and social history – heroes, battles and kingdoms that rose and fell.

I write my posts with the intention of being historically accurate, and up-to-date. I also make a point of adding the folklore to the history – although I make it clear which is which. This would make an academic’s hair curl, but I can’t help but think that sometimes there’s a little scrap of something special in clearly fantastical addendums.

Read, enjoy, and I love to read comments! I can be contacted at esmeraldamacmouse @ gmail . com  (without the spaces!).

AND… I can now add: “… as heard on BBC Radio Cumbria…!” 😉


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Diane McIlmoyle Updated 08.06.16